Saturday, May 6, 2017

No update today

Due to technical errors.  The recording app on my phone failed to save the files again.  I do have a few other things to mention, however.

I have been learning to use a program called MuseScore.  This is an open-source (freeware) program for composing music.  I am going to use it to write up some decent lead sheets for various songs I do, on the off-chance that anyone is interested.  In any case, I'll be able to use them myself, at least.  They will be stored at  Here is the link for the directory:  Chord Sheets, Lead Sheets, Tabs.  I have also been using the old PowerTab to learn to write tabs, and as soon as I get any worth sharing, they will be in the same directory.

Yesterday I wrote a lead sheet for an old gospel song by Hank Williams called "Jesus Died For Me."  It is accessible at this direct link:  Jesus Died For Me.

We did have a good day at the nursing home, although there were some problems with the sound system, but we eventually got it working well.  Mac, the fiddle player, was there this time and I was able to photograph his sheet music for "Ashokan Farewell" and one other piece that I really liked.  I am going to work on a tab for them both, most likely chord/melody arrangements.  I have already worked up such a tab for "Ashokan Farewell" from some other already existing tab, but I want to compare it to his sheet music so I can make sure they are both the same.

I know there are already ukulele tabs for this piece, but I have been able to find them only in C and F.  The original was in D, and both fiddle players I know who play this piece, play it in D.  So I need a tab that's in D.

One other change I recently made was that all the gospel songs on my YouTube channel are now public.  I had previously kept them unlisted because I didn't think there would be much interest in them, but apparently there may be some interest in them, after all.  My YouTube channel is UkeintheHeartofTexas.  The playlist for all the gospel songs is here.

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